Safe lock information
One of the things that people some times misunderstand is that the lock that is fitted to a good quality safe will often be produced by a separate, specialist safe lock manufacturer. Tecnosicurezza, LaGard, Ross, Securam and S&G are some of the world-leading brands of safe locks that are designed to provide maximum security, versatile functionality and continual improvement to stay ahead of the latest technology.

Electronic safe locks
By far the most commonly used and requested safe lock for all types of modern safes. There are several major brands, multiple application options and dozens of features and functions available. Here we will help you find out more to make the best decision for your application.
More about electronic safe locksMechanical Combination Locks
Mechanical combination locks are still used on many types of safe, though the are being rapidly outpaced by electronic locks. In this section we will provide information on the different types of combination locks and their pros and cons.
More about mechanical combination locks

More about key locks
Simple, yet effective. Key locks are the oldest style of lock used on safes, but they continue to be effeective in certain safe applications. Find out more about the different types of safe key locks.
More about safe key locksPros and cons of different safe lock types